Top NASA Scientist:
"Edison's 7-Second Brain Trick

Activates Your Superbrain"

"19,389 Americans have gone from brain fog to brain power using this safe, 7-second daily ritual, including my wife, my kids and my parents."

- Dr. James Rivers,
NASA-Trained Neuroscientist

  • NASA-Trained Neuroscientist makes a new discovery that activates your God-given brain power, and all it takes is a safe, proven, 7-second daily ritual…

  • Find out why 19,389 mothers, fathers, grandparents and students say it begins working the first time you try it..

  • Breakthrough NASA study confirms the secret is over 200 million years old, the size of a cashew and waiting inside your brain right now..

Scientific References and Spiritual Studies:

THE BRAIN POWER YOU WANT is NOT in a bottle, capsule or magic lamp.

It’s in your brain right now.

It’s about the size of a cashew..

It’s over 200 million years old..

It’s a brain wave.

But it’s dormant.

A 7-Second At-Home Ritual..
Scientifically Verified By
Four Neuroscience Studies.. That
Revs Up Your God-Given Brain Power..

Think you know what it is? I’d be surprised if you did.

This brainwave is linked to genius abilities.

Great ideas just come to you.

You learn faster.

Lucky things happen.

NASA studied this brainwave.

But until now, we’ve ignored it:

You won’t find it like this on YouTube or Google or any books on Amazon.

Which is why we’re going to activate it right now..

The 3,000 Day NASA Study
You Never Heard About It..

My name is Dr. James Rivers.

The breakthrough exploded when a colleague handed me a forgotten study by NASA..

(And stay with me. This gets good!)

NASA wanted to measure the brain power of future rocket scientists..

So they studied a set of kids and what they found shocked them..

98% of the kids scored at “creative genius” levels!

The Surprising Breakthrough That
Baffled NASA Experts..

Nearly every kid was a genius, with the creative ability to solve even the most difficult problems..

You had that same power when you were a young kid too by the way..

5 years later NASA administers the same test to the same kids, except this time..

Now only 30% of the children scored at creative genius..

And by the time the kids were teenagers, only 12%...

Why Did NASA Find
Kids Are So Much SMARTER
Than Adults?


But what about us adults?

How many of us still have access to our God-given creative genius, which could allow us to transform our finances, our health, our relationships right now?

Brace yourself for this one:

Given the same test, less than 2% of adults still had access to this superbrain power..

  • That means as a kid, there was a 98% chance you had this superbrain..

  • But there’s only a 2% chance you still have it today as an adult..

Top Neuroscientist:

Meet The Crook That Took
Your God-Given Brain Power
(it’s not what you think)...

As a scientist with training from both NASA and Stanford, I had to know what robbed us of this genius power that was once yours?

People might tell you the “the school system” and there’s truth to that but..

It dawned on me, if I could discover what’s really going on at the
CELLULAR level, then maybe we could re-activate that brain power in you?

And I have good news: It turns out that we can.

Because this brain power isn’t about remembering facts from a textbook..

It taps into your intuition, you have eureka moments, difficult problems get solved with a great insight..

And I know it’s not a scientific term but it’s almost as if you become lucky and things just start working out more and more for you in your life..

As a neuroscientist, the magic of the human mind never stops surprising me but what I found pouring through the research stunned even me..

The NASA-Backed
Brain Wave That Activates Your
Dormant Brain Power..

You know how people say “we only use 10% of our brain”?

Well, it’s not accurate but there’s a seed of truth..

It turns out if you look at a child’s consciousness with an EEG machine, you can see their brain waves..

And what you see is kid’s have a very active Theta Wave..

But when you look at an adult's consciousness, you see almost no Theta Wave, it’s like it’s been deactivated..

And neuroscientists who go beyond the classroom know that people at the Theta Level tend to report many lucky things happening to them…

Remarkable events, transformations, take place at Theta, problems get solved, genius happens. You might call it magic or good luck but it’s something different. It’s almost like people who tap into Theta can shape reality, and the universe has your back.

It’s because when you’re at the Theta level, several regions of your brain activate at the same time and connect to each other. It’s like having a superbrain.

Theta: The Genius Wave

This Theta Discovery is the
root of all our problems..

Recently, colleagues in Japan found the famous flow state was linked to Theta in an unbreakable chain..

All athletes and musicians seek to be in the flow state, and so should you..

Because the flow state is when you’re in the zone and everything becomes easier for you..

The Surprising “Root Cause” Of
All Our Problems..

  • When Tom Brady throws a game-winning touchdown, he’s in a flow state with Theta..

  • When Taylor Swift is performing for 70,000 people, she’s in a flow state with Theta..

But you’d be amazed to discover it’s not new..

You can go back a century and still see leaders seeking Theta..

Thomas Edison invented a complicated contraption that activated Theta for him. He wrote that this device solved his hardest problems for him.

Finally, The Simple Brain Wave
For Genius Brain Power..

Have you ever wondered why so many billionaires say they wake up at exactly 4AM, and not at a different hour?

Well, these billionaires know how their brain works. They’re taking advantage of the Theta brainwave, which is elevated when you wake up at that time. It makes deep and profound learning very easy, where you don’t have to work nearly as hard.

The Theta Wave is so transformative that in the lab, my colleagues and I refer to it as The Genius Wave.

There’s even research from Columbia University showing your Theta could influence another person. This could mean that if you have more Theta, you could bless your kids with it and pass it down to them.

New Neuroscience:

“This Is The Real Reason
The Law of Attraction And Other Manifestation Methods CANNOT Work!”

I want you to understand:

This is the root cause of our problems & bad luck. We are born with
miraculous human ability but from the time we are born, the modern way of life systematically suppresses this Genius Wave, rendering it mostly

Our powers and destiny have been stolen from us, at the neural level.

Although my critics laugh when I say it, this is truly the Great Swindle of our lifetime..

“What In The World
Is Wrong With My Brain?”

This is why it takes you so long to learn a new skill that could improve your finances while a few lucky people can pick it up with ease.

It’s why you think of what you should have said after the conversation. It’s why love and relationships go sour. It’s why great insights and eureka moments come to others but rarely to you.

The deck was stacked against us, causing the God-given brain wave that could transform your life and luck to shrink and shrink and shrink before you even had a chance as an adult.

And the longer this goes on, the more frustrated you’ll feel.This is why so many people become bitter and resentful as they get older - they’re missing out on God’s gift to them.

But they can turn it all around starting as soon as today. And so can you.

Here Are The
4 Science-Backed Ways
To Activate Your Genius Wave
Starting Today..

Here are the 4 ways we know for a fact will activate your Theta Wave:

1. Meditation.

If you can meditate twice a day, for 20 minutes a day, you’ll begin to activate your Theta Wave.

This one is not a great option for a lot of folks because it’s very hard and time-consuming.

2. Wake up at 4AM.

This is what many billionaires do.

But it’s also very hard and tiring. I don’t even do this myself.

3. Use a biofeedback machine.

Biofeedback machinery has been shown to help activate your Genius Wave.

But in-person sessions start at around $300 per hour. And an in-home biofeedback machine will set you back about $7,000.

4. You can use a neuroscientist-backed soundwave.

This is the easiest way by far and I have the ideal soundwave for you but let me tell you why..

Nikola Tesla Meets The Genius Wave..

When my colleagues and I began researching how to activate the Genius Wave, we wanted something that was simple, easy and that you could do at-home..

And we knew the solution would be unique, because this hasn’t existed until now..

And there were thousands of studies, not to mention ancient texts that have been around for centuries to go through..

So let me give you a clue:

Nikola Tesla advised, If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of frequency and vibration..

He was a bit out there but he was right..

Resulting In A Breakthrough Frequency That
Activated The Genius Wave..

In Just
7 minutes!

We realized Soundwaves were a perfect solution because sound is all about vibrations, which shape all matter around us..

And our soundwave used Brain Entrainment which works by gently guiding the brain into Theta..

In Just
7 minutes!

But there’s a problem..

Brain entrainment normally takes one hour PER session..

But after many late nights and coffee runs at the lab, we were able to turn it into a 7-minute soundwave..

We called this 7-minute soundwave the Genius Wave, and turned it into a Digital Audio Track anyone could listen to right now..

So far, it’s helped 18,366 everyday Americans start to live a lucky and blessed life..

The Genius Wave is the leading soundwave developed by neuroscientists that uses advanced brain entrainment to activate Theta and
the mind power that can transform your life.

It’s simple, easy and you can do it at-home:

Just pop on a pair of headphones and relax for 7 minutes listening to the calming soundwave..

Beneath your awareness, the advanced brain entrainment will begin activating your Theta by connecting several regions of your brain to each other…

It starts working the very first time you listen to it.

You’ll do it from the privacy of your own home.

And you don’t need to meditate, repeat a mantra or write anything down.

You just listen to the soundwave for 7 minutes everyday as it synchronizes with your brain waves and activates your Theta..

The result is an activated Genius Wave, reconnecting you with the brain power that’s currently dormant in you..

Join The Men And Women Now
Living A Lucky And Blessed Life Since
Activating Their Genius Wave..

You’ll notice insights and eureka moments begin to flow to you. Difficult problems will become solved with little to no effort on your part.

As you listen more each day, things shift and new abilities begin to unlock. You’ll automatically start thinking bigger about your life. And you’ll notice a sense of easy confidence in your quest for amazing health, amazing relationships, amazing career.

And did you know deep learning happens in Theta? So you’ll find it easier to remember key ideas or learn a new skill, like a musical instrument or even a new money-making skill.

Best of all, operating at the Theta level is the key to things falling into place for you and your family. Synchronicities happen. Abundance happens. Opportunities come your way.

Here’s 17 More Benefits
Genius Wave Customers Report
That Transform Your Health,
Wealth And Relationships..

The Genius Wave is much faster than a meditation practice, and much more affordable than a $7,000 biofeedback machine.

And because several regions of your brain activate at the same time, transformations in people’s finances, health, relationships and career are not uncommon.

It’s time for you to experience life with the brain power nature had in mind for you, before our modern way of life deactivated it.

  • Just imagine waking up each morning refreshed, with solutions to problems handed to you, and real clarity about how to get the outcome you want.

  • Imagine grasping a new idea the first time you hear it, even though it takes others days or weeks to get it.

  • Imagine reconnecting with your mind’s intuitive power, where great insights and creativity flow to you as you need them.

  • Imagine the look on a friend’s face as you handle a difficult conversation with ease, because the right word now comes to you.

You suddenly have access to the insights that make your career take off. Or you learn a new money-making skill quickly and improve your finances. Maybe you stun your family by learning a new language or musical instrument, and it’s actually fun!

Great opportunities are abundant, things start to go your way, and life gets better and better for you and your family..

That’s the life you deserve and you can have it all today when you claim your copy of the Genius Wave.

“How Much Is It To Activate
My Genius Wave Today?”

By now, you should realize that I take great pride in the work that I do as one of America’s most diligent neuroscientists. My reputation is everything, and I would only ever attach my name to a product if I 100% believe in it.

Bottom line is a lot of time and money goes into this research. However, when you compare the time the Genius Wave takes to the months of time that even basic meditation requires.. or when you compare the price to the expensive equipment out there that promises to do the same thing, it will seem like a bargain.

And given the transformation that activating your Theta Wave can have on your life, we could easily offer this at a very high price. Think about it.

  • How much would you be willing to invest to have difficult problems solved for you with a great insight?
  • How much would you pay to land a promotion or get a raise? Or watching your relationship with your partner or your kids transform?
  • What would it be worth to not just feel like the universe has your back but to actually see it guide and support you each day?
  • Think about the power and control you’re going to feel. What would you be willing to spend for this kind of transformation? $200? $300? $500?
  • How much has it cost you in your lifetime struggling to get what you want?

Because remember what Columbia University has found: the Theta region of your brain can influence another.

That means by activating it, you could support your kids or your partner with it too.

You really can’t put a price on being tapped into your mind’s intuitive ability and having the things that you want happen for you.

Many of my colleagues have suggested that this product would be an incredible value even at $500.

However, because my main goal with this product was to help all of the people who couldn't afford that, we cut out all middlemen and made it available only through this website. That means you don't need to invest $500 to get your hands on this breakthrough soundwave.

In fact, you don't need to invest $200 or even $100. That's because we are offering the Genius Wave today for just $49. That's more than 40% off our original price. But that's not all.

Because you've read this much, it's obvious you're serious about experiencing a breakthrough in your life and you are interested in seeing how this one-of-a-kind solution can help you the same way it's helping thousands of others, which is why I want to let you try this cutting-edge soundwave at a special price available only through this video on this page today.

$200 $100

And for a limited time only, I’d like to offer you the Genius Wave for just $39.

That’s another $10 off.

And all I ask in return is that you consider sending us a success story once you experience the transformation that many of our customers are now experiencing.

This Is The Only Place To
Get The Genius Wave..

And remember, this deal is not available on Amazon or anywhere else. The only way to get the Genius Wave for this incredible price is right from this page.

And you should know that I’m not going to limit the amount of time you can keep the Genius Wave either. It’ll be yours forever.

I’ve always tried to stay behind the scenes, away from social media and the press. But since the release of this product, numerous requests have come in. With the increased demand on my schedule, I am certain I will not be offering this online forever.

Don’t spend another day dealing with the frustration that comes from not having access to the brain power sitting dormant inside you when the Genius Wave is literally a click away.

Claim Your Discount And
Click The Button Below Right Now.

NASA Neuroscientist-Recommended…

Activate Your Genius Wave
(60-Day Money Back Guarantee)

  • Special

  • Instant

  • Quick Start

Regular Price: $200 $100 $49

Today Just For


The Genius Wave Is GUARANTEED To Work - Or You PAY NOTHING!
SEE How Your Life And Relationships Transform, Then Decide To Keep it Or Now..

So to prove this research-backed soundwave works and make this a 100% no-brainer for you to check out, I'm going to guarantee your order today for a full 60 days.

It's a 100% ironclad money backed guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience.

That means you don't even need to make a decision right now. Just say maybe, and you'll have a full 60 days to test it out for yourself.

Watch as problems are suddenly solved with an insight that automatically bubbles up for you. Watch as things naturally fall into place, with less effort and more ease. Watch as finances improve, as relationships improve, as grades improve. See how others praise your new power and confidence, and ask your secret. Then decide if you want to keep it or not.

Simply Try The Genius Wave
Risk-FREE For 60 days

The truth is 60 days is incredibly generous as most people who listen everyday for 7 minutes begin to see results within a couple weeks.

But as a scientist, putting my credibility on the line, it's important to me you feel complete confidence in our product and saying yes to giving this a shot.

It doesn't matter how many times you’ve used it, you'll get all your money back if you don't get these results.

I can't feel good keeping your money. I work with the friendliest customer support team who are easy to get ahold of and are on standby to answer any questions you have.

I urge you to check out today for maximum savings.

All you need to do to claim this incredible discount and take advantage of this risk-free offer is to click the button below and check out to begin activating your Genius Wave.

There's simply no risk to you. The only risk you could possibly face is the one of pain and regret that you missed out on experiencing this life changing product when you had the chance.

Go ahead and complete your checkout below and experience everything I've talked about 100% risk free right now.

NASA Neuroscientist-Recommended…

Activate Your Genius Wave
(60-Day Money Back Guarantee)

  • Special

  • Instant

  • Quick Start

Regular Price: $200 $100 $49

Today Just For


“Is The Genius Wave Still Available?”

If the Genius Wave is still available, then the order page will appear and you can enter your information. If not, you'll have a chance to add yourself to our waiting list and we'll let you know if this product becomes available again later.

Remember, you’ll save the most money when you order with today’s discount, and not risk missing out.

The order form is fully protected using the very
latest 256 bit SSL encryption for total privacy and protection. It's the same security that major
e-commerce giants like use.

Just enter your order information and your Digital Audio Track will be emailed to you in a matter of minutes, depending on how fast you can enter your information on the next page.

And because it’s digital, there’s no shipping fees or waiting for a physical package to be mailed to your house.

And that’s not all you’ll get when you place your order today..

JUST Added! Get $197.00 In Free Gifts And Bonuses When You Order Today..

For everyone who orders at the discount price today, I’m giving you 4 free bonuses that aren’t available anywhere else.

Your 1st FREE Gift: Get This Best-Selling Book On Attracting Money and Wealth FREE!



First is a free copy of a legendary but
little-known book written over 100 years ago. The movie The Secret was secretly based on this book. It’s the original book for attracting financial success instead of chasing it, without the fluff of The Secret. This book is $20 on Amazon but yours free when you check out today.

Your 2nd FREE Gift: Get Genius Visualization FREE!



Second is a guided visualization from one of the top-rated creators on the Calm App so you can see yourself and your life unfolding exactly as you want it to in the key areas: Money, love, health and happiness.

Your 3rd FREE Gift: Get The “Create Your Ideal Future” Infographic FREE!



Your 3rd free bonus for checking out today is a beautifully designed infographic that reminds you of the 5 most important habits to help you create your ideal future. Just print it out and hang it up.

If You Have Two Ears and 7 Minutes,
Your Life (And Brain Power!) Can Transform..

I urge you to take a stand today, and say that you are no longer willing to accept a life that’s anything less than magical and miraculous. Click the button below to claim your copy of the Genius Wave.

There’s only one favor I ask and that is this. When you see the results this gives you, let us know. Send us an email. I’m excited to hear from you!

Now it’s up to you. You can carry on as you’ve always been, or you can try the Genius Wave risk-free for 60 days. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and a whole incredible, magical way of life to gain.

I guarantee you'll be satisfied. If not, you don't pay a single penny.

It wouldn't feel right keeping your money unless you get each and every benefit you deserve and truly achieve the success you deserve. It's not just a policy, but my personal guarantee. It's that simple.

Just click the button below and the Genius Wave
will be emailed to you immediately.

NASA Neuroscientist-Recommended…

Activate Your Genius Wave
(60-Day Money Back Guarantee)

  • Special

  • Instant

  • Quick Start

Regular Price: $200 $100 $49

Today Just For


Frequently Asked Questions About
The Genius Wave

Q1 The first question is from Sophia in Lakeway who asks,
“What makes the Genius Wave superior to meditation practices or biofeedback?”

Meditation has exploded in popularity over the last decade.. so why are more people stressed now than before?

Over 15,000 studies show meditation has benefits. I meditate sometimes because I find it enjoyable. But it takes months to see the benefits. And that’s if you can be consistent with your meditation practice of 20 - 40 minutes a day everyday, which most people can’t.

And what about biofeedback? Biofeedback can be effective for activating the Genius Wave. But in-person sessions start at around $300 per hour. And an in-home biofeedback machine costs $7,000.

The Genius Wave costs 180X less than that!

And the Genius Wave works much faster than a meditation practice.

It only takes 7 minutes a day. Everyone can find 7 minutes a day to pop on a pair of headphones and relax for 7 minutes listening to the special soundwave, as it synchronizes with your brain waves and activates your Theta..

And the benefits go way beyond meditation because we’re targeting Theta. Transformations in people’s finances, health, relationships and career are not uncommon. It begins working the very first time you listen to it, reconnecting you with the brain power that’s currently dormant in you..

Q2 Olivia from Tampa asks,
“How exactly do I use the Genius Wave?”

Great question. Listening to the Genius Wave is simple, easy and you can do it at-home as soon as today: Just download the Digital Audio Track to your phone or computer.

All the technology is already programmed onto the Track, and will begin activating your Theta by connecting several regions of your brain to each other below your awareness, so there’s nothing you have to “do”.

Just close your eyes and listen. After 7 minutes, the audio track will finish and you’ll be done. That’s it.

You don’t need to meditate, repeat a mantra or write anything down.

And what if you miss a day? It’s okay, and not the end of the world if you do. Just aim to listen everyday for those 7 minutes. The benefits increase every time you listen. And the result is an activated Genius Wave and all the remarkable benefits that come with it.

Q3 The next email comes from Ray in Victoria. He says,
“How fast will I see results?”

Everybody is different. And it really depends on how deactivated your Theta was by your upbringing and society.

Overall, many of our customers start to notice a difference, like clarity about what they should do, the insight they want the most coming to them, or even problems that somehow solve themselves within the first 2 to 3 days. Some people even say they get a life-changing “eureka moment” just a few hours after listening for the first time.

Other changes, like improved finances or weight loss, may happen over time in the coming weeks and months.

Remember, your mind is the power source that influences every part of your life, so there’s no limit to the benefits you may experience as you begin to operate more in Theta.

You might notice a difficult problem becomes solved with little to no effort on your part.

Or you suddenly have access to an insight that makes your career take off, along with your finances. You find you no longer want to drink or smoke or eat bad foods.

As you listen more each day, things shift and new abilities begin to unlock. You’ll automatically start thinking bigger about your life. You feel a surge of confidence in your quest for amazing health, amazing relationships, amazing career as things finally start falling into place for you.

And even though many of these improvements will happen in the first month, the magic will continue as you keep listening for those 7 minutes a day.

After a few months, you might notice you feel like an entirely new person.

Remember, the best way to see and truly find out what benefits are in store for you is just to click the button below and check out. You're always protected by our industry leading 60 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Q4 Next question is from Amy in Las Vegas,
“Will the Genius Wave help me at the casino?”

This is a fun question. The truth is I wish!

Although a few customers have reported some amazing stories of their luck changing while playing the slots or roulette or even betting on a sport, there is of course no evidence to support that the Genius Wave caused that.

Q5 The next question is from Damon in Raleigh, who asked,
“Will it help me with my finances or career? What about my studies?”

How important do you think your brain power is for your career?

Think about it. How do you rise up the ladder in your career? How do you land the promotion or sign the client or secure that pay raise? You do it by providing more value with great insights that no one else does, by being able to spot trends and see things in ways others can’t, and capitalizing on those opportunities.

And there’s always a bit of luck involved. People call it “right place, right time”. But it’s not out of our control - what they’re talking about is your intuition, the great guide inside of all of us who can see around corners and help us get what we want. We are all born with this miraculous human ability but from the time we are born, the modern way of life systematically suppresses this in us, rendering it mostly untapped and deactivated at the neural level.

And if you’re a student, remember the deepest learning happens in Theta, so you’ll find it easier to remember key ideas or learn a new project faster. You’ll find it simple to grasp a new idea the first time you hear it, like it just gels with you, even though it takes others days or even weeks to get it. It’s not uncommon for customers to wake up with solutions to business or relationship problems that their mind already solved for them while they were sleeping. All these insights and revelations begin to flow for you. It’s almost as your business life and career become infused with a sense of luck and destiny. I really hope you get the chance to experience it for yourself.

Q6 Ryan from Boston says,
“Will it help with my health? And weight loss?”

Our bodies hurt as we get older. That’s true for everyone right? Wrong! That’s not true for everyone, and it might not need to be true for you either.

Your body’s natural healing properties are a marvel. But, your body can’t heal effectively in a stressful environment. If your body is always in fight or flight mode from everyday stress, healing is slowed or never even happens completely. That’s how you end up with aches and joint pains that never seem to go away.

And so much of our disease and inflammation comes from our mind, which is causing the stress. Did you know a single thought can release acid in your stomach?

Activating your Genius Wave is an incredible way to reduce stress naturally and accelerate healing, so those joint pains can start to go away.

And if you’re finding it impossible to curb your cravings or quit smoking, this can be a big help. Something about operating more in Theta causes things to shift and new abilities to unlock. Many customers have reported their behavior towards bad food or smoking has been reprogrammed and they’re not relying on willpower, they say they just don’t want it anymore.

That’s why so many people who purchase the Genius Wave come to it with different needs and get the result they’re looking for, because everything starts with the power of your mind.

Q7 Liz from Frankfurt emails and says,
“Should I do the Genius Wave with other things too, like yoga and meditation?”

Sure you can! But do them because you enjoy them. Not because you expect them to activate your Theta to any meaningful degree.

Personally, I meditate sometimes because I find it enjoyable. I wouldn’t do it otherwise because I don’t need to anymore. I just listen to the Genius Wave 7 minutes everyday, as it synchronizes with my brain waves and activates my Theta more and more.

When you get your copy of the Genius Wave by checking out today, you’ll love how simple it is. All the technology is already programmed onto the Track, and will begin activating your Theta by connecting several regions of your brain to each other, so there’s nothing you have to “do”. Just close your eyes and listen. After 7 minutes, the audio track will finish and you’ll be done. That’s it.

Q8 Sean asks,
“How fast do I get access to the Genius Wave?”

The Genius Wave is emailed to you immediately, as soon as you complete your order.

Because it’s a Digital Audio Track, you don’t have to wait for a physical package to be mailed to your home which also means you don’t have to pay any shipping.

You’re going to begin activating your Genius Wave today, just as soon as you can click the button below and enter your information on the secure checkout page.

Q9 Okay and the last question is,
“Is there a guarantee?”

Of course! Your order is fully guaranteed.

When you place your order from this website, you’re backed by our 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. It’s a 100% Ironclad Money Back Guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience.

That means you don't even need to make a decision right now. Just say maybe, and you'll have a full 60 days to test it out for yourself.

It's important to me you feel complete confidence in our product and saying yes to giving this a shot. It doesn't matter how many times you’ve used it, you'll get all your money back. If you don't get these results, I can't feel good keeping your money.

I work with the friendliest customer support team who are easy to get ahold of and are on standby to answer any questions you have.

All you need to do to claim this incredible discount and take advantage of this 100% risk-free offer is to click the button below and check out to begin activating your Genius Wave.

I can’t wait for you to try the Genius Wave for yourself as a key problem is suddenly solved for you with an insight that just comes to you, because you’re reconnected with your mind’s intuitive power.

This is the first time I’ve seen a product do what it can do in such an effective yet almost enchanted way. As a neuroscientist, my life is the human mind. While you might relax in front of the TV at night with family, I’m in my office or lab, still working, still studying. Why? Because I am still so in AWE of the mind power that we all have access to.

Every day, I’m filled with wonder at the marvel of the human mind, with all its untapped power.

There’s still so much we don’t know about the mind, or what miracles it is truly capable of.

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